I was first introduced to computer technology during my service in the U.S. Army. After serving my country I attended college. I wanted to create video games from the moment I bought my first computer. I wanted to create video games and not merely play them.
I started my career as a programmer with background in mathematics and physics. I launched my first video game company “Mytopia Gameware Institutue” and published four video games. Being a small Indie developer required learning the artistic side of video game development as well as business-related skills. I took a lot of workshops from professionals in order to develop my artistic skills. I've always been self-driven to learn more and get better.
I’ve presented at many national, regional, and local conferences about technology. Now I teach digital art to aspiring students and continue to create art myself. I can share my experience and knowledge with aspiring video game developers and help them achieve their dreams.
Below are some examples of that digital art work.
Cathédrale Hanté
Doom Awaits
The Portal
You Shall Not Pass!